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字體: 放大字體  縮小字體 發布日期:2020-04-01  來源:中國石化新聞網  瀏覽次數:643

       據今日海上能源網站3月31日消息 澳大利亞庫珀能源公司(Cooper Energy)稱,其運營的位于澳大利亞近海的Sole氣田目前正在向東部天然氣管道輸送天然氣。





根據該公司的說法,隨著工廠生產測試的調試進行,產能可能會繼續變化,將達到68 萬億焦耳/天。


吳恒磊 編譯自 今日海上能源


Cooper’s Sole field starts gas supply into pipeline

Australia’s Cooper Energy has informed that its operated Sole gas field, located offshore Australia, is now producing gas to the Eastern Gas Pipeline.

The Cooper-operated Sole gas field is located in the eastern part of the Gippsland Basin, approximately 40km offshore Victoria, Australia. The project involves the development of the Sole offshore gas field and upgrade of the Orbost gas plant to supply approximately 24 PJ per annum.

In an update on Tuesday, Cooper said that the second phase commissioning of the Orbost Gas Processing Plant is underway.

The plant, which is operated by APA Group (APA), has demonstrated its capability to produce sales gas to specification from the Sole gas field and has started gas supply into the Eastern Gas Pipeline (EGP).

Cooper noted that the initial volumes delivered to the EGP were small, variable, and influenced by commissioning requirements. Sales to market on Sunday, March 29 were 21 TJ, with production rates of up to 50 TJ/d, Cooper said.

According to the company, it is likely that production rates will continue to be variable as commissioning proceeds to the plant production test, which requires a sustained rate of 68 TJ/day.

The beginning of firm gas supply from the Sole gas field to term gas sales agreements will begin after the completion of the plant production test.

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