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字體: 放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2020-05-20  瀏覽次數(shù):840

中國(guó)石化新聞網(wǎng)訊 據(jù)世界天然氣網(wǎng)站5月19日消息 美國(guó)3月增加了液化天然氣出口,歐洲國(guó)家仍然是最大客戶(hù)。






錢(qián)尼爾的Sabine Pass設(shè)施再次運(yùn)送了大部分貨物,共30批。卡梅倫液化天然氣項(xiàng)目和自由港液化天然氣項(xiàng)目各運(yùn)送了13批貨物,其中錢(qián)尼爾的科珀斯克里斯蒂工廠又運(yùn)送了12批貨物。Dominion位于馬里蘭州的Cove Point工廠出口了7批貨物,而厄爾巴島液化和出口項(xiàng)目在3月份沒(méi)有裝運(yùn)任何貨物。


王磊 摘譯自 世界天然氣


United States bump LNG exports in March

The United States increased the liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports in March with European countries remaining the top customers.

According to a report by the Department of Energy, U.S. LNG projects exported a total of 244.1 Billion cubic feet of LNG in March.

As a result, this is an 8.2 per cent increase over February 2020 figures. To remind, the U.S. exported a total of 225.6 Bcf of LNG in February. Comparing to March 2019, this is an 86.7 per cent jump, DoE said.

As noted, a large portion of U.S. LNG export volumes landed in European countries, although, South Korea has taken over the top importer spot during the month of March.

South Korea imported a total of 27.3 Bcf. It is followed by Spain, France and the United Kingdom with, 25.1 Bcf, 23.6 Bcf and 20.4 Bcf of LNG, respectively. Additionally, Japan rounded off the top five list of U.S. LNG importers, with 18.9 Bcf of LNG imported during the month under review.

Speaking of LNG cargoes, United States LNG projects exported a total of 75 cargoes in March. This compares to 68 cargoes in February 2020 and 38 cargoes in March 2019.

Cheniere’s Sabine Pass facility again shipped the majority of cargoes, a total of 30. Cameron LNG and Freeport LNG projects shipped 13 cargoes each with Cheniere’s Corpus Christi facility adding another 12 cargoes to the total. Dominion’s Cove Point plant in Maryland exported seven cargoes while the Elba Island liquefaction and export project hasn’t shipped any cargoes in March.

The Department of Energy added that the average price of LNG exported in March reached $4.66 per mmBtu. This is a drop from $4.85 per mmBtu during February.

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