中國石化新聞網訊 據路透社4月19日消息,俄羅斯議會已同意核銷朝鮮在蘇聯時期的一筆交易中所欠下的約100億美元債務。該交易內容為建設一條穿過朝鮮通往韓國的天然氣管道。
俄羅斯財政部副部長Sergei Storchak告訴俄羅斯媒體,這筆錢可以用于兩國在朝鮮的共同項目,包括擬議的一條天然氣管道項目和一條通往韓國的鐵路項目。
詹樂乾 摘譯自路透社,2014-4-22
Russia writes off 90 percent of North Korea debt, eyes gas pipeline
(Reuters) - Russia's parliament has agreed to write off almost $10 billion of North Korea's Soviet-era debt, in a deal expected to facilitate the building of a gas pipeline to South Korea across the reclusive state.
The State Duma lower house on Friday ratified a 2012 agreement to write off the bulk of North Korea's debt. It said the total debt stood at $10.96 billion as of Sept. 17, 2012.
The rest of the debt, $1.09 billion, would be redeemed during the next 20 years, to be paid in equal instalments every six months. The outstanding debt owed by North Korea will be managed by Russia's state development bank, Vnesheconombank.
Russia's Deputy Finance Minister Sergei Storchak told Russian media that the money could be used to fund mutual projects in North Korea, including a proposed gas pipeline and a railway to South Korea.
Russia's state-owned top natural producer Gazprom, has long planned to build a gas pipeline via North Korea to South Korea with a view to shipping 10 billion cubic metres of gas annually.